Hudson Reporter Archive

If you need stop signs installed, just call me!

Dear Editor:

In response to “Killing fields of Hoboken.” The Hoboken Parking Authority, or DPW, or whomever is responsible for these parking and signeage dangers that are plaguing this city need to step up to the plate.

I too have been personally involved in near-tragic incidents involving both the limited visibility as well as lack of stop signs at intersections.

This morning I had an incident at 11th and Grand due to lack of stop signs in either direction. I dare them to come up with an explanation or excuse as to why they allow these problems to continue for so long, despite multiple complaints and public letters, etc. I doubt very much they can claim ignorance.

On the Internet, I can order an engineer grade 30″ x 30″ stop sign, with all the proper hardware and install each stop sign myself in under a week for less than $50 apiece.

Would the Hoboken officials have a problem with that? Or will I receive a summons? Anyone interested in contributing, please let me know. It could make a fun Saturday activity.

Perry Klaussen

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