Hudson Reporter Archive

An attack on innocence

Dear Editor:

Do not read British author, Philip Pullman’s novel “The Amber Spyglass.” It offers, in the words of New York Times’ Sarah Lyall, “a thrillingly ambitious tale–with a radical view of religion that may well hold the most subversive message in children’s literature in years!”

Lyall elaborates that Pullman “has created a world in which organized religion”or at least what organized religion has become–is the enemy, and its agents are the misguided villains. (He) argues for a republic of “Heaven” where people live as fully and richly as they can because there is no life beyond!

Speaking for himself, Pullman describes the message of Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis’ beloved series of Christian-oriented children’s books as “so anti-life, so cruel, so unjust.”

What has happened to “innocence,” to the sacred nature of a child? “Lo, children are the heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward!”

We are evidently in a cultural war and cultural slimefest.

John Sabol

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