Hudson Reporter Archive

Attend the public meeting and tell Mayor Schundler to ‘leave Liberty State Park lone’

Dear Editor:

“Get the politicians out of Liberty State Park and put the Parks Department in” Mayor Schundler. Stop trying to take away the only natural beautiful green area we have left in Jersey City, Liberty State Park. You are allowing Cirque Ole to build in Liberty State Park , a driving range, a waterpark, a sports complex.

Has it occurred to anyone, including the Mayor, that where they are building the circus is the same space that has the free senior concerts in the summer and the free childrens fairs. What will happen to these free activities? Does anyone also realize that this circus will cost at least $20 to $40 admission. Mayor Schundler, stop destroying our park.

In your article in the Jersey Journal dated November 30, 2000 in the Opinion section you stated you would like a new swimming pool where Jersey City residents can come and cool off and a new Camp Liberty, etc. This is a total lie. What you are really mean is a waterpark, and you want to put Camp Liberty in the waterpark. We want Camp Liberty to stay right where it is. Private and quiet, and we want you to spend some money to improve the site with some buildings for shelter. Not a big expense. Also, Camp Liberty wants a long term lease so every year they do not have to worry if the lock is going to be put on their gate.

We do not want a high priced waterpark that most families in Jersey City will not be able to afford. Why can’t you invest our taxpayer money and fix the old Cabana Pool where families have been going for years until it was closed? That was a wonderful pool costing only $3 to $4. Now you want a waterpark put in costing at least three to four times that much! Let’s be realistic. Only tourists will come to this waterpark and cause traffic jams, more pollution to our park and more danger to our wildlife at the park.

Mayor Schundler does not care about the residents of Jersey City. His only concern is how much money he can make with private developers.

The Mayor wasted how many years of inconvenience on Journal Square for what, water fountains? Who needed these water fountains.

What we really need is upscale stores to open on Journal Square like we had years ago; Cara Carson, Liss, Danny Mack to name a few. We do not need $4 stores, a cheap furniture store, etc. Look at Hudson Mall area. Why can’t the Mayor work on getting some better stores to come in the Mall Area like Target, Walmart, Bennigans, etc. The best the Mayor can do is Popeye’s Chicken. Not very exciting.

Now let’s look at the ASPCA. For so many years we have needed a new shelter for our animals. No luck. I guess the mayor cannot find a private development corporation to drop a lot of money for that, so he is not interested in helping our animals.

Next let’s look at the Marion Section of Jersey City. For years this area was a prime location for residents to live. Not anymore. The Mayor has allowed the Marion section to become one large Mosque. Don’t get me wrong. I am not against the Moslem religion. My husband is a full fledged Moslem. On the Moslem high holy days the streets are impassable, traffic jams, driveways blocked, etc. There needs to be some control over this problem and there is not.

Now what about a free, yes free dog run at Liberty State Park. It would not cost much to establish, no private development corporation needs to get involved, it would not take up much space at all, and it would make hundreds of dog lovers who bring their dogs to Liberty State Park very happy. It would turn a negative experience into a positive experience. The troopers and JC police harass dog walkers constantly to have the dogs on the leashes and not let them run. Downtown Jersey City has a dog run and they live like sardines down there and the residents still managed to get space for a dog run. But as spacious as Liberty State Park is we still do not have a dog run. I guess the Mayor is so busy working with private development corporations with ideas on how to take our Liberty State Park free and green area away for us, that he does not even see what the real problems are with our city.

Mayor Schundler, put your energy in the right direction and stop being so self-centered and selfish. Leave our Liberty State Park alone, especially Camp Liberty. Concentrate on the right things for our city and stop spending Jersey City taxpayers’ money to benefit you.

Anyone interested in supporting our love and concern for the free and green area of Liberty State Park please attend the public meeting on Saturday, Jan. 27 at 1:30 p.m. at Liberty Science Center, JD Williams Science Theater. Free parking. We want all the dog walkers, bird watchers, bike riders, roller bladders and joggers to support this fight. We all want our park to stay the way it is.


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