Hudson Reporter Archive

Who I am

Dear Editor,

This letter is dedicated to the authors who have chosen to use my name in vain. Even though I respect everyone’s thoughts, and I will not engage in a back and forth match because that simply is immature, I will inform you of whom I am.

I am a 25-year-old successful mortgage banker with a prestigious bank. I am a full-time father of two beautiful children with a lovely fiancee; I am a Master in Business Administration candidate; I am a Seton Hall University Dean’s list college graduate; I was raised by a beautiful single mother in the Hoboken Housing Authority, so I am a product of my environment who stays true to his roots.

Let me tell you a little bit about my accomplishments. I have been recognized with an award by the United State Senate for “outstanding commitment to community service.” I have been cited with a “certificate of appreciation” by Governor Whitman for my dedication and commitment to “Getting things done” in communities throughout New Jersey.

I have been involved locally in four major elections, which we have been triumphant. I was the treasurer and coordinator for 4th Ward Councilman Ruben Ramos, campaign manager for the Freeholder’s primary and general, co-campaign manager/treasurer for Councilman at Large Tony Soares and campaign manager for the Board of Education election. I am vice president of TEAM4 civic association, which holds many activities for the youth of Hoboken; whereas this summer we took at least 30 kids to the Meadowlands to see a college football game. When was the last time you’ve seen a public official coordinate an activity like that?

I am a minority outreach coordinator with the Hudson County Board of Chosen Freeholders. I have been fortunate to help and open doors for people in need with the limited resources I’ve had as a community servant.

One thing you’ll now for sure is that I don’t swing like the pendulum on issues that effect people’s lives. As for filling anyone shoes, I’m perfectly comfortable and happy in mine. A real leader is someone who takes a stand and fights for what he or she believes without any hidden agendas. I am no savior nor do I claim to be the people’s leader, however my door is always open to anyone who I can help. That is why I support the need to preserve affordable housing, lower taxes for home and condo owners in town, create more parking spaces, preserve open space, stop overdevelopment, re-visit the master plan of this town’s future, create a new sewerage system to sustain this densely populated city and put more of the cities revenues to work for us the taxpayers.

I am going to sum this all up with a favorite philosophy of mine. “We make a living from what we get, but we make life from what we give”. I want to wish everyone a happy holiday!

Carmelo G. Garcia

P.S. Remember there is less to fear from outside competition than from inside inefficiency, discourtesy and poor service.

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