Dear Editor:
I’d like to comment on Councilman Tony Soares’ recent remarks criticizing Fifth Ward Councilman Michael Cricco.
Councilman Cricco should be commended for requesting that a developer designate 10 percent of his units as affordable housing for Hoboken residents. Cricco deserves high praise for requesting that the developer contribute towards the construction of a new Little League baseball field in the northwest redevelopment area.
Instead, Councilman Soares decided to call Cricco’s action “grandstanding!” Tony Soares’ remarks show his true nature, as a mean-spirited individual, who would actually criticize the good deeds of one of his colleagues on the City Council, just for his own political advancement.
Cricco was right to request givebacks from a developer and he should be commended. Soares only demonstrated what many Hoboken residents know already — he is only interested in furthering his own political ambitions, at the expense of all citizens, including those who seek affordable housing and our children who would surely benefit from a new ballfield.
Carmen Maldonado