Hudson Reporter Archive

Assemblyman Romano’s commitment to senior citizens will long be remembered

Dear Editor:

The death of former New Jersey Assemblyman Louis Romano of Hudson County is prompting many people to remember his dedication and compassion to our state’s senior citizens.

Assemblyman Romano, who represented District 33, worked hard over the nine years he spent in the legislature to help senior citizens and the disabled. The issues that were close to his heart included reduced bus fares for the elderly and individuals with physical handicaps, and the prescription drug discount program for the elderly (PAAD).

As one of the New Jersey’s few Certified Elder Law Attorneys, I have witnessed Assemblyman Romano’s vision and commitment to this vulnerable population. I am hopeful that our current representatives in Trenton follow his outstanding record by carrying on his commitment to the elderly and quality of life issues. His legacy will be remembered for many years to come.

Jo-Ann Herina Jeffreys, Esq.
Certified Elder Law Attorney

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