Hudson Reporter Archive

We worked all day for the Dems

Dear Editor:

This letter is in response to Carmelo Garcia, A.K.A. “Memo.” Your letter is absurd to say the least. Yes, I as the Democratic Chairperson wrote a letter asking the people of Hoboken to support Al Gore, Jon Corzine and the Democratic ticket. Yes, I chose to not mention the Congressman by name. That is my right! Since the Congressman chose to campaign against Wanda Alicea, David Anthony and myself, I chose not to mention his name.

However, I worked the entire day, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. for the entire Democratic ticket along with Robert Crespo, Nellie Moyeno, the Mayor and his organization. Where may I ask were you all day? You certainly were nowhere to be found.

My husband and I have tried to help people all of our adult life; we never cared what their ethnic or religious background was. We give flowers to senior citizens and others to put smiles on their faces not for votes, we do it all time not just at election time. We raise money for good causes, such as the Easter egg hunts, the Haunted Houses, holiday visits to St. Mary pediatric ward, Faith Services, the high school championship football team and we never ask what their last name is.

You see Memo, we are not immature hypocritical bigots; young man I rest my case.

If you dislike our politics, that is your right, but you could never fill my husband’s shoes because you lack the respect and love he has for this community and the people in it.

Michele Russo

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