Hudson Reporter Archive

Think before buying a puppy

Dear Editor:

You can fall in love all over agan with any little puppy. Who can blame you? And they can be a wonderful addition to any home. But they are not for everyone.

Before you acquire a puppy, as a gift or to surprise the kids for the holidays, seek professional advice from your local humane society or rescue organization about what dog best suits your needs and family. The ideal caregiver for the right puppy must be prepared to house them inside during colder weather and provide the care for its physical needs. Puppies are very much like children, they require a lot of attention, a large amount of patience, companionship, training and exercise. As the holidays approach, the best gift for children is a new puppy. Then just only 6-7 months or a year later, the shelters and rescues are hit hardest with all of the puppies that could not be taken care of and given up so easily.

When you are considering adding a new pet to your family, visit your local animal shelter, rescue organization or reputable breeder to know what type of dog is just right for you and your family!

Thank you for making the responsible and humane choice.

Dawn Yanisko

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