Hudson Reporter Archive

In defense of Geri

Dear Editor:

Regarding your October 22nd article on the city payroll, I must write in defense of Geri Fallo with whom I have worked as an occasional volunteer for over six years during many of our town’s art tours and festivals. It is my opinion that this or any other city has never had a more harder working (non executive level) employee. All of the city’s twice yearly outdoor arts festivals, as well as our many other cultural amenities, would not be able to occur without Geri’s hard work and dedication.

Having worked with her on a few of her volunteer committees, I can honestly state that she does indeed work until 11 p.m. most evenings, as well as many fall and spring weekends in their entirety, coordinating Hoboken events; days which most of us would rather spend at the shore or in the country; 7 a.m. on July 4th at the waterfront, getting the vendors and festivities ready for OP Sail 2000? Geri was there and throughout that long, hot day and evening; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Oct. 14 and 15, 2000? Geri was there also, coordinating the Artist’s Tour on a pleasant weekend as many people enjoyed the fall foliage. She is also hard at work supervising the outdoor festivals at 6 a.m. which earn this city and its businesses (esp. food businesses) a great deal of money.

Whatever overtime she is paid, the city reaps back many times over in culture, entertainment, publicity, and not least, revenue.

Bernadette Micchelli

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