Hudson Reporter Archive

Vote wisely!

Dear Editor:

My father came to America from the old country at the age of 16. He appreciated freedom and did argue with his Slovak friends after church about voting for a Socialist, Franklin D. Roosevelt. He was aware of the evils of Socialism, Communism, Bolshevism, Fascism, Menshevism and Nazism which is National Socialism. He felt that those from the old country who came to our New World for the American dream should not stumble into Socialism or any of its evil forms.

His friends (?) called him “The Rich Republican.” My father was a common laborer working to support his family at ESSO–(now called EXXON.)

I have lived my three score and ten years and what do I see? We have the socialistic ideas of Clinton and Gore. I see a Republican candidate who did not even use the word “Freedom” in his convention speech to the GOP! The problem in our Republic is not liberal or conservative! The problem is whether we act and vote like good Americans in the spirit of our Founding Fathers or we become slaves to the false and evil ideas of Socialism that are trying to confuse us.

As Americans we have a right to be confused just as we have a right not to vote, but I do not believe that this is the American way of our Republic if we honor our Judeo-Christian heritage!

We are again approaching a National election and it behooves us to vote wisely. The average life of a civilization has been about 200 years. We have passed that average since our beginnings in 1776. Are we going to join the junkpile of history, or continue to grow? Vote wisely!

Thomas Jefferson’s idea of education was that it was primarily history! He reasoned that if people knew the past, they could better judge the present and plan for their future and their children’s future. Vote wisely!

John Sabol
Evelyn Benyo

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