Hudson Reporter Archive

Vote Franks for senate

Dear Editor:

A moderate conservative who just happens to be registered as a Republican. In have always sought to vote for the candidate who is simply best for the job, regardless of the candidate’s party affiliation. In my mind, Bob Franks is clearly the best person for the job of representing New Jersey in the U.S. Senate. I encourage you to vote for Mr. Franks when you go to the polls on November 7.

Over the past eight years as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Mr. Franks has developed a sensible, moderate voting record and has shown the ability to work with Democrats and Republicans alike to pass important legislation to the benefit of New Jersey citizens. Mr. Franks’ excellent qualifications differentiate him greatly from his opponent, the multi-millionaire Jon Corzine.

Mr. Corzine has no public record whatsoever to base his candidacy on, so voters must look more closely at his career in the private sector. That makes his repeated refusal to disclose his tax returns all the more disconcerting. Mr. Corzines assertion that his agreement with Goldman Sachs forbids him to make his returns public is not an acceptable response. The public has a right to know from where his great fortune has come, especially when he is using several million dollars from that personal fortune to finance his campaign.

Above all else, trust is the main factor I use in deciding whom I will vote for. Mr. Franks has given voters no reason to doubt his honesty, while unfortunately, Mr. Corzine has not always bene straightforward. Mr. Corzine misled the public about whether he had donated money to organizations that later endorsed him.

Mr. Franks is the best person for the job and no amount of money that Mr. Corzine spends will change that fact.

H. Brock Page

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