Hudson Reporter Archive

I’m back with another solution to the ‘pigeon problem !’

Dear Editor:

The reason I am writing is I have a solution in getting rid of the pigeon problem in Hudson County once and for all. Each storefront should purchase a fake owl and hang it in front of their stores. That will end the pigeon problem. Because I have noticed that where pigeons hang around in front of stores, inside the store there are rat droppings on food. If you go inside you will see on the shelves where the food is, like canned goods, there are rat droppings on each can and that is from rats, and where do rats come from, pigeons. And pigeons cause disease, and rats, they cause disease as well.

When you walk along in each storefront up in the awnings the pigeons use it as a shelter against the rain and the snow and the cold weather. But they are also ruining storefronts with all the bird crap. So in each storefront’s awning you should place either nails or wire mesh or even a few fake snakes inside the awnings. But one store has rats and I even saw rat droppings on canned goods there. Each store has to do something about the overcrowding of pigeons. I thought maybe using traps and catching them and bringing them to a park where there are other birds. And in a park they should make a huge cage and keep these pigeons inside where they are not causing and making a mess on storefronts.

Brian Silvani

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