Hudson Reporter Archive

I am a homeowner, driver, future mom, dog owner and a shopper, and I have some thoughts…

Dear Editor:

First of all I would like to thank the Hoboken Reporter for providing a space where we can voice all of our opinions and concerns. Thank you for printing all of our letters!

Please take a look around your beautiful Hoboken. I think everyone in Hoboken has one goal. We want our city to remain the home that it has been. It is sad to read all of the letters in the paper, of people who are so unhappy with their particular situation. I don’t think that we should have to choose one issue over another, each problem affects everyone’s issues.

I am a property owner, a car owner, a future mom, a dog owner, a resident, a user of public transportation, a local shopper, etc. The new developments are and will affect my view, I am affected by the lack of parking space, the traffic, the noise, by the condition of our dog runs, I am perplexed as to how I will manage to enjoy our parks with a child and a dog. I am affected by our overcrowded transportation system. In fact, I am affected by urban development, as most of us are. So why don’t I just move?

I have thought about it, but I love this city and its people, I love this city’s character and I would not like to see it affected. The decisions that our government is making today will affect Hoboken’s character. We need to come up with solutions now, before it’s too late or much more difficult to do something about our problems.

As far as I have read in the paper and heard people’s comments this is my summary of some problems.

Children and residents needing clean areas of parks to enjoy; dog owners needing clean dog runs and a little grass; more parking, less traffic; more consideration to residents’ opinions concerning their city.

Have you considered that the new development in front of Marineview is blocking not only Marineview residents’ view, but also Stevens Park view, as well as River Street’s view? Only those people who live or work in the new development will have access to a view of the river. Have you also considered that there will not be enough parking spaces for all of the planned units or additional parking for the Kings Supermarket? How will that affect traffic and parking? How many residents will own dogs? 50? 100? Will there be a dog run in this new development? Or will these dogs use the Stevens Park dog run, which is already overcrowded?

Moms, how will you feel when your kids have to play in a park that is surrounded by car fumes? How will you feel about 50 to 100 more dogs in that dog run? How do you feel about the drug paraphernalia found in the bushes next to the playgrounds? How do you feel about the broken glass strewn all over the parks and sidewalks? How do you feel about not being given the choice of being in a dog free area? What about the drunks in our parks, in our playgrounds?

Dog owners, how do you feel about not being given the choice of being in a dog permitted area? How do you feel about having to share your already crowded dog runs with many, many more dogs? How do you feel about being criticized for owning a dog? How do you feel about having no choice but to be confined to an unclean dog bathroom?

Hoboken residents, new and old, how do you feel about the traffic? How are you going to feel when it gets worse? How about parking? What about the cost of living? Increasing taxes? How do you feel about all of these letters of residents blaming each other? How do you feel about dog waste, noise pollution, overcrowded buses and PATH trains, loud music, drunks in our parks.

Mr. Mayor, it is really quite simple, listen to us. Some problems are easier to solve than others as you know very well. The children/dog issue is quite simple. Designate a few areas where dogs will be permitted to walk on the grass and maintain the runs properly. This will enable moms to choose dog permitted or dog free areas. This will also solve the problem for those who have both children and dogs! Please enforce the “pooper scooper” laws in the parks and on the sidewalks. Residents are very upset about all of the new development, take the time and attention to listen to their concerns and suggestions, don’t just brush them off and regard them as a nuisance. Why are you in office if not to help solve residents’ concerns?

These issues will not go away by themselves, help insted of blame, we have some big problems that will become even bigger with more people moving into town every day. Don’t throw garbage on the streets, don’t double park, clean up after your dogs, be considerate of others’ problems and concerns (you don’t really know what their situation may be).

If we can all see our common goals, we can come up with some solutions to keep Hoboken as a place to call our home.

Concerned resident

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