Hudson Reporter Archive

How would pier affect Hoboken?

Dear Editor:

I want to thank you for covering news regarding the North Pier. Your reporting has been very helpful in making me aware of many issues that the developer and the concerned citizens of Hoboken have been talking about.

I recently moved to Hoboken in the Shipyard project. It appears from the letters that both Michael and Joe Barry wrote in the Hudson Reporter that the Pier project was always a part of their plan for the Shipyard project. Unfortunately, it was not mentioned to us at the time we were purchasing our apartment.

I understand that the Barrys have done a great job for the city of Hoboken. I also heard Joe Barry talk about the contribution of the North Pier project to Hoboken economy and keeping the value of our properties. I think this is great for Hoboken. However, my only concern is, does the city of Hoboken have the civic infrastructure to support all these developments?

I recently read about the fire in Edgewater. I was shocked to read that Edgewater has only three fire fighters on its payroll. Now I wonder, how much incremental economic benefit the North Pier would add to the city of Hoboken?

Anoop Kumar

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