Hudson Reporter Archive

Seeking St. Aloysius Alumni and parishioners not receiving newsletters

Dear Editor:

Are you out there! Saint Aloysius Elementary School, High School and Parish is actively seeking all Alumni and Parishioners who do not receive the newsletter put out by the High School Alumni Association and the Parish Schools Development Office. We thank the Hudson Reporter Assoc. L.P., in advance for their cooperation in printing this letter. Since we always seek ways to keep cost down and quality up, access to the free press helps greatly.

Please call the Development Office at 201-433-6365. Leave your name and year of graduation and address, from both or either school or mail your information to Margaret Bier “65, 69” Director of Development at St. Aloysius, 691 West Side Avenue 07304.

Please send us your address and let us keep you informed of all the wonderful things that are happening at St. Al’s, an ethnically diverse community as alive as you remember it for the past 103 years. Again, thank you Hudson Reporter.

Margaret Venezia Bier “65 69”
Director of Development

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