Hudson Reporter Archive

Feeling ripped off by your bank? Help is on the way

Dear Editor:
Do you feel your bank is ripping you off? I did and when the president of the bank failed even to acknowledge my letters, I switched banks. That was all I could do at the time.What my old bank was doing was not illegal, only unfair.

Now people all over our area who feel mistreated by their banks can tell the State Department of Banking and Insurance all about it on August 15 at 6 p.m. at the Paul Robeson Center of Rutgers University. If you would like to offer testimony, please make arrangements to do so by contacting Robert Cittadino by email at, or by faxing him a note at 609-777-0107.

If you can’t attend in person but you want your comments to be a part of the public record, write to New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance, Office of Public Affairs, P.O. Box 325, Trenton, NJ
08625. If you are happy with bank services or have suggestions for improvement, your comments are welcome, too. Information about the intent and scope of this hearing may be viewed on a web site at

Joan M. Quigley

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