Hudson Reporter Archive

‘The Way We Have Sex Now’ poll

Because our June 8 “The Way We Wear Our Underwear Now” poll – a takeoff on the New York Times Magazine’s “The Way We Live Now” poll which was designed to “shed light on the inner lives of Americans” – was such a success, we decided to even further illuminate the inner lives of local residents by getting under their clothes.

This time the topic is sex. For “The Way We Have Sex Now” poll, we randomly surveyed 50 men and 50 women between the ages of 18 and 40 in Hudson County. Here’s what you said.

1. Are you currently married, single, divorced or involved in a long-term relationship?

Married: 20%

Single: 66%

Divorced: 4%

Involved in a long-term relationship: 10%

2. On a scale from one to ten (one being the least), rate the importance of sex in a relationship:

1-3: 4%

3-6: 18%

7-10: 78%

3. Would you like to have more or less sex than you are currently having, or are you having just the right amount?

More: 70%

Less: 0

Just the right amount: 30%

4. Have you ever ended a relationship because your partner was bad in bed?

Yes: 38%

No: 62%

5. Have you ever cheated on a mate?

Yes: 58%

No: 42%

6. Have you ever faked an orgasm?

Yes: 12%

No: 88%

7. Since you’ve been sexually active, what is the longest period you’ve gone without sex (approximately)?

One week: 16%

One month: 8%

Six months: 50%

Over a year: 24%

8. How often do you masturbate?

Never: 0

Once a month: 20%

Once a week: 24%

Every other day: 24%

Every day: 20%

More than once a day: 12%

9. Do you own a vibrator?

Yes: 0

No: 100%

More than three: 0

10. Do you view pornography to supplement your sex life?

Yes: 60%

No: 40%

11. Have ever had a one-night stand, in the true sense of the phrase (met someone in a bar, went home with them and never saw them again)?

Yes: 70%

No: 30%

12. If you are heterosexual, have you ever had a same-sex sexual experience?

Yes: 0

No: 100%
No, but fantasized about it: 0

13. Have you ever participated in a menage-a-trois (for non French-speaking people, that means threesome)?

Yes: 40%

No: 36%

No, but fantasized about it: 24%

14. Are you currently satisfied with your sex life?

Yes: 46%

No: 54%


1. Are you currently married, single, divorced or involved in a long-term relationship?

Married: 20%

Single: 36%

Divorced: 8%

Involved in a long-term relationship: 36%

2. On a scale from one to ten (one being the least), rate the importance of sex in a relationship:

1-3: 16%

3-6: 26%

7-10: 58%

3. Would you like to have more or less sex than you are currently having, or are you having just the right amount?

More: 40%

Less: 0

Just the right amount: 60%

4. Have you ever ended a relationship because your partner was bad in bed?

Yes: 24%

No: 76%

5. Have you ever cheated on a mate?

Yes: 72%

No: 28%

6. Have you ever faked an orgasm?

Yes: 76%

No: 24%

7. Since you’ve been sexually active, what is the longest period you’ve gone without sex (approximately)?

One week: 0

One month: 24%

Six months: 24%

Over a year: 52%

8. How often do you masturbate?

Never: 52%

Once a month: 28%

Once a week: 20%

Every other day: 0

Everyday: 0

More than once a day: 0

9. Do you own a vibrator?

Yes: 16%

No: 84%

More than three: 0

10. Do you view pornography to supplement your sex life?

Yes: 16%

No: 84%

11. Have ever had a one-night stand, in the true sense of the phrase (met someone in a bar, went home with them and never saw them again)?

Yes: 34%

No: 66%

12. If you are heterosexual, have you ever had a same-sex sexual experience?

Yes: 28%

No: 68%

No, but fantasized about it: 4%

13. Have you ever participated in a menage-a-trois (for non French-speaking people, that means threesome)?

Yes: 20%

No: 76%

No, but fantasized about it: 4%

14. Are you currently satisfied with your sex life?

Yes: 72%

No: 28%

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