Hudson Reporter Archive

Puppies invade my space at dinnertime

Dear Editor: Kudos to the townspeople of Hoboken who are taking a rightful stand against the pet owners of Hoboken. There is nothing enjoyable about going out for a meal and having to listen to a dog bark throughout the dinner. Just because the restaurant may have outdoor seating, it should not be a green light to bring your pets. Consideration must be made to people who may have allergies as well as to those who really do not find your dog to be “cute” in any shape or form. The same principles should apply to banks and all the other many stores in Hoboken. The rules set by the Board of Health must be upheld by the owners of these businesses. If pet owners want more space and room for their animals, then they should move out to the country. Keeping those mammoth sized dogs locked up in an apartment all day is cruel anyway. John Lederer

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