Hudson Reporter Archive

Moyeno’s accomplishments go far beyond politics

Dear Editor: It is with great pride that I congratulate my best friend, Councilwoman At-Large Nellie Moyeno, on her re-election as Hoboken City Council president. For a second consecutive term, Nellie has won the confidence and esteem of her colleagues for not only her notable leadership abilities, but also her undeniable commitment. It is a proud and significant event, indeed, for her family and friends. However, more importantly, the Hispanic community. Nellie is the first Hispanic and, just as equally important, woman to ever serve as City Council president. This accomplishment of historical importance should be hailed amongst the many contributions Hispanics and women have made to Hoboken’s vibrant diversity. Hispanics and women alike can and should take pride in having a refreshingly attentive and hard working advocate in Nellie Moyeno for a role model and representative. In an age and time when women and minorities continue to struggle in establishing themselves in our social structure, we are proving quite well that status alone is not a replacement for substantive work that has to be done. We excel, through no small measure, by getting the job done. Along these lines, Nellie has come a long way since we first befriended each other in 1993. She’s grown into a confident and capable woman who is not afraid to lend her efforts to any cause worth fighting. She represents the finer qualities of a public servant;, honest, humble, generous, concerned and above all, dedicated. Very few people today possess those traits, adhere to their word and are always prepared to lend a helping hand like Nellie Moyeno does. On a personal level, I have been privileged to know Nellie Moyeno the mother, grandmother and unparalleled friend. And I am fortunate and grateful to be a member of her extended family. Nellie has always regarded me as if I were her son, and has always encouraged me to succeed even when we did not always agree. Nellie and I haven’t always seen eye to eye on politics, but that does not foster our bond. Time and again, Nellie has been there and has proven to me the precise meanings of friendship, loyalty, compassion and humility. I would be without remorse if I did not express my profound admiration for knowing such an inspiring friend and exceptional woman. George A. Ortiz

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