Hudson Reporter Archive

MUA official indicted ; Two weeks after hiring as purchasing agent, Ferrandiz faces forgery charge

A North Bergen woman, promoted just two weeks ago to the position of purchasing agent for the township’s Municipal Utilities Authority, was suspended last week after her superiors found out she had been indicted by the Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office on two counts of issuing a forged document. The document in question had nothing to do with the MUA. Ileana Ferrandiz, 39, of North Bergen, was indicted last month after an investigation by the Prosecutor’s Office’s Special Investigation Unit found that Ferrandiz allegedly issued a forged document. According to MUA spokesman Paul Swibinski, the document apparently had to do with a disagreement between Ferrandiz and the tenant who lives in a building she owns. “It’s a personal matter between Ileana and her tenant,” Swibinski said. “It had nothing to do with the MUA. We believe that she had a completely clean record and may have done a very foolish thing. In no way does this incident bear any reflection on the township of North Bergen, nor the MUA.” Ferrandiz was hired by the MUA in April of 1998 as a clerk and was promoted to the position of purchasing agent just two weeks ago, collecting an annual salary of $30,000. However, when Ferrandiz’ promotion was reported in a local newspaper, someone associated with the Prosecutor’s Office spotted the story and immediately called North Bergen township officials. According to Hudson County Deputy Assistant Prosecutor Edward DeFazio, Ferrandiz was arrested on the forgery charges in May and a Grand Jury handed down the forgery indictment June 21. Ferrandiz was arraigned in Hudson County Superior Court at that time. A trial date has yet to be scheduled. If she is found guilty of the third degree felony forgery charges, she could receive the maximum of five years in prison on each count and a fine of $10,000. However, since Ferrandiz was under indictment, a decision about her immediate employment had to be made. “She was called by the MUA officials on Monday and confronted with the allegations,” Swibinski said. “She admitted that she was currently under indictment and did not deny the charges.” Ferrandiz was immediately suspended without pay. A termination hearing has been scheduled for July 25 to determine Ferrandiz’ status with the MUA. “She has been an exemplary employee since she was hired,” Swibinski said. “It’s just possible that she made a very serious mistake. Because she is currently under indictment, the MUA took this action.” There has been no decision made concerning a temporary replacement for Ferrandiz.

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