Hudson Reporter Archive

No cut please, just a trim

Dear Editor: In a recent letter to the editor, Freeholder O’Dea commented on my role in the recently adopted municipal budget. While I welcome Bill’s insights, I find it curious that he singled me out in this process. I cast the deciding vote in passing the budget which was supported by our Democratic Legislative delegation, the city administration, and the Coalition of Jersey City Municipal Employee Unions, the organization mentioned in Bill’s letter. If I had either voted against or abstained it would have meant a $12 million shortfall with ensuing layoffs and tax hikes. I wonder why the four “no” votes were omitted. My being singled out is also odd in that I was the only Council member to offer amendments to the budget. These amendments trimmed over $700,000 without cutting any existing workers. I also identified close to $5 million in recurring revenue streams and shepherded those items through the City Council. These helped to deliver a full employment budget and a small tax decrease as well. As far as insisting that the administration restore the workers who were laid off–that was done by including all their salaries in this year’s budget. The administration declined, saying that without a reduction in our workforce, our $16 million in State Aid was jeopardized. The State clearly wanted blood. Even now we are prohibited from hiring any workers without state approval. When we received a waiver to hire needed school crossing guards, I insisted those positions be first offered to our laid off workers. I will make sure this policy is adhered to for future waivers. Again, I appreciate Bill’s input in our budgetary process. I would like to extend my hand to him in scrutinizing the Hudson County budget that the Board of Freeholders oversees. After all, one good turn deserves another. Thomas DeGise City Council President

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