Hudson Reporter Archive

Garcia was wrong to attack Leggiero

Dear Editor: I’ve never written a letter to the editor before so I’m a bit uncertain as to how to go about it, but I know I cannot seethe in silence any longer as I have been since the Union City Commissioners’ meeting on Tuesday. I was appalled and ashamed by Mayor Garcia’s vicious insinuations that Commissioner Leggiero was a sham and a liar. Mayor Garcia, questioning Mr. Leggiero’s sincerity, was surely absurdity at its most high: Garcia, who wouldn’t know the truth if it came up and bit him, has the utter gall to call an upstanding Christian family man, a servant of the community with an impeccable reputation, and a leader of social services provisions in his position as North Hudson Community Action Corporation President and CEO, a disinterested, self-serving, insincere individual. How dare he! And then, to make matters worse, when he realized he alone could not tarnish the reputation of a man such as Mr. Leggiero, he sics his well-paid hounds to finish the kill: Union City CFO Suliger than also attempted to denigrate Commissioner Leggiero’s mission, but he too failed miserably in the face of truth and exposed himself as the mercenary cur he is. I apologize if this “maiden voyage” letter is a bit disorganized, but then again, disorganization has been Union City’s calling card since the very first day Mayor Garcia gained power. I thank you for permitting me to make known my anger, disgust and disbelief at the utterly undeserved maltreatment Commissioner Leggiero underwent at Tuesday’s meeting and for granting me this forum to let the Commissioner know that he is doing a wonderful job and more importantly, the right thing. Hang in there, Commissioner, the righteous will be triumphant. Ivette Gonzalez

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