Hudson Reporter Archive

Poison prevention is vital

Dear Editor: National Poison Prevention Week from March 19 to 25, 2000 reminds us that “Children Act Fast…So Do Poisons.” In 1999, the New Jersey Poison Information and Education System (NJPIES) responded to over 100,000 calls from the citizens of New Jersey. Prevention is a vital element of the New Jersey Poison Center. It can only take a few seconds for a child to reach for poisonous cleaners, cosmetics or medications, possibly resulting in a lifetime of injury. In fact, over one million children are exposed to poisonous products each year. Poison centers nationwide provide an invaluable health service when poisonings occur. By safely managing approximately 75 percent of poisoning exposures in the home, poison centers eliminate thousands of needless and costly emergency room visits. To prevent poisonings, the New Jersey Poison Center recommends that all hazardous household products be kept in their original containers, locked out of sight and reach of young children. Use only medication with child resistant caps, and use them correctly. Refer to medicines by their proper names, never calling medicine “candy.” Avoid taking medicine in front of children, as children frequently attempt to imitate adult behaviors. Destroy old medicine, pouring it down a drain or toilet and rinsing the container before discarding. Keep a bottle of syrup of ipecac in your home in case a poison center, emergency department or physician instructs you to use it. Attach the Poison Center number to the telephone in case of emergency. To receive stickers with the Poison Center number call 1-800-POISON-1 or write us. During the celebration of National Poison Prevention Week, the New Jersey Poison Center reminds you to poison proof your home. Your efforts could be lifesaving! Call 1-800-POISON-1, trained medical professionals will provide you with the most up-to-date emergency treatment advice, and will answer any drug or poison information question you may have. Remember the Poison Center is just a phone call away! NJ Poison Information and Education System

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