Dear Editor: I have a great respect for a person who refuses to be intimidated. That is why I admire Tom Troyer. He refuses to be intimidated by those in politics who use intimidation and the power of their office to do so. In my opinion that’s exactly what took place in the West New York court on December 23, 1999. Adam Michaels had filed charges of harassment against Tom Troyer. He threatened to do likewise several times against me. I’m not one to be intimidated, but must admit it is nerve racking. I purposely made it my business to attend that hearing because I knew Tom would put this brash, arrogant kid in his place far better than I could. I had come in late and the court was still packed with cases to be heard. I began to feel uncomfortable when I saw Adam Michaels sitting alongside of Assemblyman Anthony Impreveduto. They sat in the back of the courtroom, away from the crowd, in an area where they could be noticed. I thought to myself, could this be their way to intimidate the court. I know Tom was not intimidated, but how would the Judge interpret his presence in the court. As time went on, one case after the other was disposed of. I began to think to myself, Tom will not have the opportunity to get his side of what happened that day in question, heard. The case might be dismissed, frivolous case that it was. My hat is off to Judge Armando Hermandez. If Impreveduto, with his presence in court thought it would intimidate Judge Hermandez, he was mistaken. It turned out that Judge Hermandez had more common sense than the Assemblyman. Upon learning of the relationship between the young Mr. Michaels and the Assemblyman, the judge decided not to hear the case and to have it sent to a court in a Bergen County municipality. I left that court with the impression that Mr. Impreveduto and Mr. Michaels were upset with the judge’s action. I could not hear what the judge was saying, but I could hear Adam Michaels pleading with the judge that the hearing be held that day, December 23rd. I believe I now know why, and that is why I write this letter at this time. I read in the newspapers that newly elected Mayor, Dennis Elwell, has hired the mother of the Assemblyman’s aide, as his secretary. I wonder if Adam Michaels charges of harassment brought against Tom Troyer, who was running against Dennis Elwell at that time, had anything to do with Elwell appointing his mother to that position? Is this what Mayor Elwell means when he announced that “he would put people before politics?” It’s the exact opposite. Evelyn Benyo