Hudson Reporter Archive

Basketball tournament participants earn rave reviews

Dear Editor: On behalf of the Bayonne Jewish Community Center, I would like to thank the teams, coaches, volunteers, referees, families and fans for making the 13th Annual Winter Holiday Elementary School Basketball Tournament a successful event. Every school participating can be proud of the sportsmanship shown by their players and coaches. The fans were outstanding. They came for all the right reasons – to show support and cheer on their respective teams. And that is exactly what they did. Great job spectators! The teams vying for this years championships were: from Bayonne – M.J. Donohue boys team; Horace Mann, girls team; Midtown Community, boys and girls teams; P.S. 14, boys and girls teams; Robinson, boys and girls teams and Washington, boys team. Clifton – Sacred Heart; Guttenberg – Anna L. Klein; Staten Island – Holy Child and Sts. Margaret/Mary; Union City – St. Augustine and Sts. Michael and Joseph. I would also like to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year. Bill Broderick Health & Physical Education

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