Hudson Reporter Archive

Union comes to aid of cancer-stricken officer

The recently-formed Superior Officers Association of the North Bergen Police Department had not yet received its charter last fall, but the group was already at work, trying to help one of their own. The first annual SOA Golf Outing was held at the Gambler’s Ridge Golf Course in Cream Ridge, and the members quickly decided that the money raised should go to aid a fellow officer who was stricken with colon cancer. Last Tuesday, at a ceremony at Town Hall, Lt. Neil Sanzari, the president of the SOA, presented a check for $3,500 to Police Officer John Crugnola, his wife, Erin, and three children, to aid in Crugnola’s battle with the deadly disease. “What better cause is there than to help one of your own?” Sanzari said. “He’s a fellow brother officer in a time of need. There was no question that that was where the money raised was going. As soon as we formed the association, we wanted to have the golf outing, and as soon as we had the outing, we were going to give the money to John.” All 22 members of the SOA contributed in some fashion. Local businesses sponsored the tournament and either donated prizes to be raffled off or made cash donations. All to help a North Bergen cop who is in the fight of his life. “It always feels good to do something charitable,” Sanzari said. “But this is one of our own. It’s is a special feeling, but it’s a case that hits close to home. We’re helping someone that is part of the family.” Crugnola, who has been on a leave of absence since last spring, has been undergoing treatment. He was touched and moved by the presentation. “I was really surprised and amazed,” Crugnola said. “In fact, I’m still overwhelmed.” Earlier this year, the entire department got together and financed a vacation to Walt Disney World in Orlando for Crugnola and his family. “I can’t believe the generosity everyone has shown to me and my family,” Crugnola said. “I can’t believe how much they’ve all done for me. They’ve all come together and rallied in support of me. You don’t realize how many people care for you or how many friends you have until something like this happens.” Crugnola knew that the golf outing was raising money for him, but he had no idea until Monday that there was going to be an official presentation at Town Hall. “I was really shocked by that,” Crugnola said. “They’re just a bunch of great guys who have been very good to me.” Crugnola wanted to express gratitude to everyone who has either contributed to the cause or who has simply offered well wishes during his time of crisis. “It’s not like I’m going through this myself,” Crugnola said. “So many people have been asking me how I am, coming to visit me. I could never express the right words to thank everyone enough. Every day, more and more people are showing how much they care and I really appreciate that.” North Bergen Police Chief Angelo Busacco was pleased with the efforts of his department. “For a fledgling organization like the SOA to raise this kind of money for a patrol officer is really an outstanding gesture,” Busacco said. “Everyone kept John in their hearts and minds and it definitely shows that police officers can pull together in a time of need.” Busacco also had nothing but praise for Crugnola. “John is a fine officer who is dedicated to the services of the community,” Busacco said. “He’s performed his duties more than professionally and has always been cautious and kind to the public. He’s a credit to the department and the badge.”

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