Hudson Reporter Archive

There’s trouble on Park Ave. at 16th St.

Dear Editor: The proposal for two 18-story towers connected by a 15-story building at 1600 Park Avenue is just another crisis in the development illness that is slowly choking Hoboken’s quality of life. What is the most alarming aspect of this outsize proposal is its location between Willow and Park Avenues, from 16th to 17th Streets. The huge towers would be jammed between the two bridges on the northern border of the city. For years, traffic studies have consistently called this area a traffic “hot spot,” meaning that traffic waits at least two or more light-changes before it can move on. For this reason alone, one wonders, who in their right mind would want to live there or even work there? The air pollution from the congested traffic and the noise from cars and buses either staggering up or whining down the ramps of the two bridges would be enough to drive a tenant our of Hoboken screaming, headed for the nearest mental health facility. On Tuesday, Jan. 18 at 7 p.m. in the basement of City Hall, the developer – Manhattan Building Co., Inc. – will go before the Zoning Board of Adjustment in an attempt to convince the members that variances for height, lot coverage, facade coverage and the like should be granted. It will be a time for the general public to be there also, to let the board know very clearly that this project is just too big, too improbably situated to be of any benefit to Hoboken, You can get that message across by coming to the meeting on January 18, by signing a petition against this monstrous project, by contacting the mayor and your councilpersons. Speak up and out against this latest assault on Hoboken, a place that is still very much worth saving. Helen Manogue, Coordinator Hoboken Quality of Life Coalition

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