Hudson Reporter Archive

The Twentieth Century

The Twentieth Century The Twentieth Century is almost gone, it had so much hate and so much wrong. John Kennedy and wife died in an airplane crash, Abdo Diallos’ murder by cops had a backlash. Our government is not for the poor or old, for a piece of money they sold their soul. Our children have lost their way in life, all they know is hate, no love, just strife. Blowing up their school causing fear and terror, is one of this century’s greatest evils and errors. The churches have failed us by a great margin, that’s sad, they are more greedy for money than saving souls, that’s bad. We are on the brink of something either evil or good, only God knows the answer, we can change things if we would. Some of us think we are God and can do what we will, but no matter how they try God is the answer still. We as human beings need to learn to love one another, black, red, white, yellow or jew, we are sisters and brothers. As the twentieth century goes out, let the twenty first century be better, let God be our leader, teach us love for each other, be our trend setter Georgia McLane Collins, R.A.

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